Today's event

Evening on transhumanism at Lavoir Numérique

Rencontres du Lavoir - Matthieu Gafsou exhibition

  • #exhibition
  • #lecture

Thursday 12 October 2023 at 19h30

  • Le Lavoir Numérique
    4 rue de Freiberg
    94250 Gentilly

Free event with reservation : find out more

Exhibition: from 22 September 2023 to 11 February 2024
Opening on Thursday 21 September 2023 at 6pm
Wednesday to Friday, 1.30 pm to 6.30 pm and Saturday and Sunday, 1.30 pm to 7 pm (closed on public holidays)
Free admission

How could one explore the question of multiple identities without considering the attempts – with varying outcomes – to expand our identities into the machine realm? Or even to control what happens once life is over, as some in Silicon Valley wish to do. A tour of the Matthieu Gafsou exhibition on transhumanism is being held in conjunction with this Rencontres du Lavoir event on digital life after death.

© Matthieu Gafsou – Courtoisie Galerie C

Digital immortality: what happens to life after death?
Les Rencontres du Lavoir 

New technologies have made it possible to repair one’s body and augment its capabilities, raising the question of extending the human lifespan. This Rencontres du Lavoir event explores the immortality of digital identities. In the future, will human beings be able to prolong their existence beyond their physical death, as transhumanists hope? What constitutes post-mortem identity and what status should it be given? Are societies ready to live in a digital world inhabited by the deceased?


  • Fanny Georges: semiotician, and lecturer in information and communication sciences at Université Sorbonne Nouvelle
  • Nicolas Gutierre C.: science journalist and author of the 2021 book Homo machinus, Enquête sur l’avenir de l’homme augmenté par la machine, published by Éditions Vuibert 

H+, transhumanisme(s) 
An exhibition by Matthieu Gafsou  

Presented alongside the discussion is Matthieu Gafsou’s exhibition H+, Transhumanisme(s), which approaches the subject as an philosophical, poetic and identity investigation that documents and questions our relationship with technology while looking ahead to possibilities for the future.

Cover © Matthieu Gafsou – CourtesyGalerie C